A Nice Surprise at Just the Right Time

I'm trying to remember what books I left in the Town Hall.

I was feeling a bit defeated today and reminded myself that I've got to remember that I mainly read about the stuff I'm into for my own benefit, and not to get too caught up in whether or not I can make a difference. So I thought, "fuck it, as far as I'm concerned the whole world can burn!" and went into the Town Hall to collect my books.

But I got a bit of a surprise. Three of the four books I left there were missing. I originally thought it would be a bit of a long shot to get people in there reading my books. It's not the sort of place you're likely to find thieves (and they're not the type of books I imagine a thief would want), so I imagine they're just being borrowed at the moment, which is exactly what I was hoping for (unless of coarse someone saw them as a threat or maybe a bit divisive and just got rid of them...I doubt that...I hope not).

So I left with a little feeling of self satisfaction that I'd managed to disseminate a bit of complex information to - hopefully - the right people.

So I'm trying to work out which one's are circulating in there at the moment.

I definitely left Cameron Murray and Paul Frijter's 'Game of Mates: How Favours Bleed the Nation' with one of the planning staff with a bookmark in the section 'The Great Development Game'.

And I left four other books. Sandford F. Schram's 'The Return of Ordinary Capitalism' was still there, but I left three others that weren't.

So there's a collection of essays by various people that's missing called 'Silencing Dissent: How the Australian Government is Controlling Public Opinion and Stifling Debate'...

...also missing was Guy Standing's 'The Precariat: A New Dangerous Class', which I'm really glad to know someone is reading, as it articulates the commonalities of all the different types of people experiencing precarious lifestyles as a direct consequence of decades of neoliberal government policy (See Guy Standing on Ted, What makes the precariat a dangerous class, Features of the precariat, Varieties of the precariat, Work: Salariat Vs Precariat, and What is the precariat? What do I mean by 'Denizen'?).

But there was one more...and I'm struggling to remember which one it is...WAIT! I remember! Of coarse...it's the only one I've left that I haven't yet read: 'Gods Bankers: A History of Money and Power at the Vatican' by Gerald Posner!

Hmm...now THAT one I can see someone wanting to get rid of. I hope that's not what happened. I'd love to think that someone's mind is being blown right now.

The funny thing about this kind of anonymous activism is you can never really know (See How to be heard when no one is listening).

Added later... 

I just checked at home and I've still got Gods Bankers on my shelf. Can't for the life of me remember what the other book was. 

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