Back Room Handshakes

Extract from 'Game of Mates' by Cameron K. Murray & Paul Frijters

They're so concerned with lining their own pockets, rather than legislating for the public good, that it no longer matters whether they get in or who wins the election.

I haven't got much to say here, the book says it much better than I can, so this is just another extract.

It also provides a description of the process that keeps competent, honest politicians out of politics.

"Queensland local politics is in our opinion now best thought of as the competition between gangs of property developers, some aligned with one major party, some aligned with both. Because the Game is played so vigorously by both main political parties, the cost to a political party from losing power in an election is now low. Losing simply presents politicians an opportune time to leave office and join the lobbying game, capitalising on their trust and reputation amongst the Mates. It has become quite important for politicians and senior bureaucrats to ensure they have enough of a career left after politics to be repaid for previous grey gifts they gave to the group.
To be part of that Game is now the main reason to go into politics, to join unions, and to devote time in industry groups. As Menadue and Keating (2015) noticed in their analysis of how government ministries have become politicised and infiltrated by lobbyists, it is no longer a fringe activity within political parties, but rather it is the main thing those parties do; diverting political discussion, debate, and energy, away from its core job of improving our laws and institutions.

Consider how the Game of Mates is now dominant in political parties. Party elders, primarily made up of former politicians and professional fixers, are the ones organising the Game of Mates inside their parties. They will network with the promising young politicians, ensuring that particularly honest and competent politicians are kicked out of the party before they can become too powerful."
~Cameron K. Murray & Paul Frijters, 'Game of Mates: How Favours Bleed the Nation'

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